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Friday, January 28, 2011

The Cold War

    I think both the US and the USSR share the blame for the Cold War. There was no primary cause but a combination of many things that contributed to the War. After the end of WWII relations between the countries were very strained. With economy in Europe being destroyed the US implemented the Marshall Plan to help countries recover. However, the USSR wouldn't allow the eastern bloc areas they controlled participate. The US also became economically and politically invested in Latin America. Fear of communism led the US to try to create democratic governments in countries where communism was rising. We feared that any communist country would be an ally of the USSR. Socially, USSR support of communist revolutions in poor countries really scared the US. The extreme fear of communism in the US led to the Red Scare, and tensions further increased. The differences between the US and the USSR were too extreme and the resulting competition made everyone nervous. Building up the supply of nuclear arms was theoretically supposed to make the country feel safer, but with both countries doing it, it just escalated political tensions. The combination of all these factors is responsible for causing the Cold War.

Monday, January 17, 2011


I think Prezi is my new favorite thing! Anyways, my prezi was about the Yalta Summit. Basically it was a meeting between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin. They had to decide what Europe was going to be like after the war and how to handle Germany and the Nazis.
